Serviettes Hygiéniques Ultra Minces, Normal - Carrefour Discount - 16
Barcode: 3560070334209(EAN / EAN-13)
Product characteristics
Quantity: 16
Packaging: Plastique, Pochette
Brands: Carrefour Discount, Carrefour
Categories: Hygiene, Intimate-hygiene, fr:Protections hygiéniques, fr:Serviettes hygiéniques
Manufacturing or processing places: UE, Union Européenne
Stores: Carrefour
Countries where sold: France
→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).
If this product has an ingredients list in English, please add it. Edit the page
Product added on by kiliweb
Last edit of product page on by org-carrefour.
Product page also edited by khorkaadren, openfoodfacts-contributors, sebleouf, tacite-mass-editor, yuka.SDZvN0lwc1ErNk1ibWNJYjRCYjN3czkrK2NDQWZrV1RjN1lYSWc9PQ.