Assainissant Spray aérien - Puressentiel - 500ml

Barcode: 3401540711840(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Common name: Assainissant aux 41 huiles essentielles

Quantity: 500ml

Packaging: Spray aérien

Brands: Puressentiel

Categories: fr:Assainissant

Labels, certifications, awards: fr:Naturel, fr:Sans gaz propulseur

Manufacturing or processing places: France

Countries where sold: France


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Aneth, anis vert, arbre à thé, basilic exotique, baie est Thomas, bois de Hô, cajeput, cannelle de Chine, cèdre de l'Atlas, citron, citronnelle de java, cumin, cyprès, eucalyptus globulus, fenouil doux, gaulthérie, genévrier, géranium rosat, gingembre, giroflier, lavande vraie, lavandin grosso, lemongrass, macis, mandarine rouge, marjolaine à coquilles, mélisse, menthe crépue, menthe poivrée, myyrhe, niaouli, orange douce, origan vulgaire, persil, petit grain bigaradier, pin sylvestre, romarin à cinéole, sarriettes des jardins, sauge officinale, serpolet, thym à thymol

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Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by cyrilcluzel.
Product page also edited by beniben, segundo, tacite-mass-editor.

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